Modern technology has created many new and innovative ways to help seniors with entertainment, daily tasks, socializing, healthcare, and more. However, these useful new technologies often seem overwhelming or confusing to seniors, so many would rather keep doing things the old familiar way even if new technology is easier in the long run. If you want your senior parent to get the full advantages of modern technology, you need to take the time to help him or her adjust. Here are a few ways to help your parent become more comfortable with technology.
1. Start Slowly
A common senior complaint about technology is that it’s overwhelming. Many seniors feel this way because anytime someone tries to explain something to them, the person provides too much information all at once. Instead of trying to show your loved one every function of a phone or computer, just teach one task at a time. Let your parent get used to each task before moving on to a new one.
2. Look for Intuitive & Senior-Friendly Devices
A lot of companies are putting time and research into creative devices that are user-friendly and intuitive to use. Check for companies that create simple devices that are easy to navigate. User-friendly technology may not have quite as many customization options available, but it still performs basic tasks without causing confusion.
High-tech communication and easy-to-use devices can be helpful for aging adults, but those with serious health conditions may also need assistance from professional caregivers. Some seniors only require help with a few daily tasks so they can maintain their independence. However, those living with serious illnesses may need more extensive assistance. Luckily, there is professional live-in care Miami, FL, seniors can rely on. Home can be a safer and more comfortable place for your loved one to live with the help of an expertly trained and dedicated live-in caregiver.
3. Get the Whole Family Involved
One of the most important steps to take when getting your parent used to technology is offering one-on-one instructions for using the device. Some seniors may feel awkward having other adults lecture them about how to use technology, so make it fun by getting the grandchildren to share their favorite technology with their grandparent. This tactic may be an enjoyable way for your loved one to bond with the grandkids, and he or she will inevitably learn a little about how to use technology just from watching the children play with their favorite technological tools.
A professional caregiver can also help your loved one practice the tech skills he or she learns. Homecare professionals can be a wonderful boon to seniors. Whether they require around-the-clock supervision or just need assistance with exercise and household tasks a few days a week, seniors can enjoy a higher quality of life with the help of trusted in-home caregivers.
4. Write Out Easy Cheat Sheets
Keep in mind most seniors aren’t going to switch over to using nothing but technology. Using basic pen and paper for taking notes often remains a favorite among seniors, and you can use this trend to help your loved one learn about technology. Write down usernames and passwords for accounts in a secure location, and provide easy steps for common tasks your loved one wants to do.
5. Talk about the Social Benefits of Technology
Many seniors feel technology is cold and impersonal, so find a way to make the technology appeal to your loved one’s social needs. Describe how your loved one can talk to family members who live far away, share recipes with friends, and keep up with family news. Seniors are often slower to adopt new technology than younger people, but once they figure it out, they’re one of the most active and engaged groups of online members.
If your loved one has cognitive issues that make it challenging to remember instructions, a professional caregiver with training and expertise in methods of cognitive stimulation can be a wonderful asset. If you have a senior loved one who needs help maintaining a high quality of life while aging in place, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of home care Miami Beach families can trust. Our caregivers help seniors focus on healthy lifestyle habits such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and maintaining strong social ties, and we offer mentally stimulating activities that can boost cognitive health and delay the onset of dementia. To learn about our high-quality in-home care services, give us a call today.