Your senior loved one with Parkinson’s disease has the ability to enjoy a full and happy life, provided he or she has some support at home. Each stage of the disease brings changes that require both you and your loved one to adjust and plan carefully. Your loved one will also need to take caring for his or her health seriously if he or she hasn’t done so in the past. Getting started caring for your loved one is as simple as using these six strategies.
1. Get Informed
If you’ve never cared for someone with Parkinson’s disease before, you may feel like you’re stepping into a whole new world. Those who have cared for someone with Parkinson’s disease in the past may discover that many things have changed regarding treatments and care strategies in recent years. Either way, start your role as a caregiver by doing some research to help you understand what happens during each stage along with what kinds of support are available to your family.
2. Focus on Safety First
Seniors with long-term health issues can never be too safe at home. You can begin your care plan by doing a home assessment that checks for common safety hazards. Your loved one is now at greater risk for falls, medication mishaps, and kitchen injuries. Identify potential safety issues and find a proper solution to address each one. For instance, your loved one may need help cooking or assistance with bathing to protect against getting hurt.
Many seniors in the early stages of Parkinson’s are able to live on their own, but they may need a bit of help with the everyday tasks of life, such as exercising and preparing nutritious meals. Aging adults who require assistance with the tasks of daily living can benefit from reliable senior care. Families trust Assisting Hands Home Care to provide the high-quality care their elderly loved ones need and deserve. Our caregivers are trained to help seniors prevent serious illnesses and encourage them to make healthier decisions as they age.
3. Help Your Loved One Stay Active
Your loved one may need to take things easy and receive special care now. However, that doesn’t exempt him or her from exercise. Seniors with Parkinson’s disease have a better prognosis when they stay physically active. Moving the legs and arms can prevent episodes of freezing and tremors. Regular physical activity also keeps the sense of balance strong. Provide assistance with the new workout routine, and give your loved one encouragement to keep it up.
Living with serious health conditions can make it challenging for seniors to age in place. However, they can maintain a higher quality of life with the help of professional live-in care. Miami seniors can benefit from assistance with meal prep, bathing, transportation to the doctor’s office, medication reminders, and much more.
4. Offer Support during Outings
Seniors with Parkinson’s also tend to be at higher risk for becoming isolated. Your loved one may worry about freezing in public or spilling food when eating at a restaurant. Hire a professional caregiver to take your loved one out during times when you’re busy. This way, your loved one continues to benefit from going out in the world and enjoying new social interactions.
5. Allow for Extra Time
Things may take longer to get done now that your loved one has a chronic health condition. Adding in extra time for normal activities gives your loved one the opportunity to do things without assistance. Getting dressed without assistance and cooking his or her own meals helps your loved one stay independent.
6. Watch for Changing Symptoms
The progression of Parkinson’s changes how you provide care. Keep an eye out for emerging symptoms so you can add new types of care to your loved one’s plan. Staying one step ahead helps you protect against accidents. If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of home care Miami Beach families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. If you need professional care for your loved one, reach out to one of our Care Managers today.